Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your day to catch up with YOKE and remember us in your prayers. Whether you support YOKE through praying, giving, or serving, your partnership enables us to fulfill our mission of impacting middle school students by equipping passionate, faithful mentors to help those students discover their identity and purpose in Christ. Our mission field now includes more than 19,000 middle school students!
January is always an exciting month for our team. Naturally, the potential of a brand new year is encouraging, and we’re ready to go! We’re also eager to launch a new semester of clubs, which means that there are lots of opportunities for you to get involved. If you’d like to serve – or know someone else who might – take the first step by filling out our volunteer application. Finally, January is Leadership Summit month and we sure enjoyed getting away to the mountains with our largest group of leaders ever.
Whatever your role, we’re so thankful for your support. Proverbs 11 promises that “the generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” I pray that you experience some refreshment from God this month. We’re glad to have you on our team.