Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your schedule to keep up with what God is doing through the ministry of YOKE. School is out for the summer, but our team is still working hard to connect with kids and leaders across our community. In addition to partnering with Camp BaYoCa for a week of middle school camp, we’re also busy helping with summer school programs in our service area, and our team has been busy standardizing and streamlining our volunteer training process in anticipation of a new semester of YOKE.

Those efforts are being aided this summer by our intern, Sami Ball. Sami has one more semester at Carson Newman before she graduates with a degree in Psychology. We’re always looking for ways to develop young leaders and we’ve found that our internship program is one of the best ways to do that. Sami’s perspective on ministry and how God might use her psychology degree has already been impacted by her time with YOKE.

Go ahead and mark your calendars for this year’s YOKE Banquet, Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30 pm at  Bridgewater Place. It will be a great opportunity to celebrate what God has done, to catch a glimpse of what the future holds, and to get a little taste of YOKE culture. I hope you’ll plan to join us or even to host a table of your own.

Thank you for partnering with us. We’re glad to have you on the team!