Dear YOKE Family –

In order to limit exposure and spread of the COVID-19 virus, we have decided to cancel this year’s spring camp. This decision was based on several factors. First, our county schools are out until at least April 3. Second, our local universities are out until at least April 10, meaning that most of our volunteers will be unavailable. Finally, the CDC has asked that there be no gatherings of 50 or more for the next 8 weeks.

Still, this decision was a difficult one. We know how meaningful camp has been to generations of our YOKE family. It is always a highlight for kids, YOKE Folk, and even our staff. Please know that, despite our social distancing, we still hold you close in our hearts and minds.

Families who have already paid for camp will be refunded. Donations designated for camp will be applied to our summer programs and fall camps. Stay tuned to our website and social media for more updates as the situation continues to develop.

With love –

YOKE Staff