Our interview with YOKE Kid Marshall:

When did you start coming to YOKE? My sixth grade year

How did you hear/know about YOKE? YOKE folk that go to my church

What’s your favorite part of YOKE club and why? Skits, because the YOKE folk always do something really crazy and they are funny to watch

How many camps have you been to? Which ones? 8 – Hillbilly, mystery, and summer camp

What’s your favorite YOKE camp? Summer camp – army, super hero, survival

What’s your favorite part of camp and why? Messy games, because you get to go out and get really messy by throwing shaving cream, flower and whatever else you can find at people

What has your leader taught you? My leader has taught me more about the verse John 14:6

How has YOKE impacted your life? YOKE has made my walk with the Lord a lot stronger. I would say by the bible studies that we have at club

Our interview with YOKE Folk Nick:

How did you hear/know about YOKE? I heard about Yoke from my team leaders as a yoke kid. David and Amy McGinley

What’s your favorite part of YOKE club and why? Chug and Crush

How did you meet your YOKE kid? I met Marshall at my church

Describe your YOKE kid: Marshall is quiet, but he has a firm understanding of the gospel for someone his age. He runs track, likes playing all sports, and likes country music.

What kinds of things have you and your YOKE kid done together? Lots of Disciple now weekends.  Went through Firm foundations study together.  Played ultimate frisbee, four square, basketball, and football.

Has your YOKE kid made any decisions for Christ while in YOKE? Marshall was saved before middle school, but I believe he is more comfortable with sharing and leading especially this year as an 8th grader.

In what ways has YOKE helped your YOKE kid? He has become more comfortable with himself.  He took more of a leadership role as an 8th grader.

Anything else you want to tell us about your YOKE kid?  He’d make a great Yoke folk in a few years.

How many camps have you been to? Which ones? 12. I think I’ve been to them all.

What’s your favorite YOKE camp? Super hero camp

What’s your favorite part of camp and why? Cabin time.  Its great to get to talk to the kids about where they are in their walk with Christ.  Sometimes it can get off topic, but they are usually very good during it.

What has your YOKE kid taught you? Keep growing no matter what.

How has YOKE impacted your life?  It has helped me to be more comfortable with sharing my faith.