Twelve middle schools from Knox, Jefferson, Blount, and Grainger counties all made their way to Camp Ba Yo Ca this past weekend for YOKE’s first week of Spring Survivor Camp. Despite flood and high water (literally) camp was a huge success! We were still able to participate in most of our scheduled programing and the rain certainly did not slow anyone down, although the stench left from wet clothes and shoes may have made a few people stagger.
Beyond survivor challenges and messy wars, the Holy Spirit was active in the lives of students from middle school to college and beyond. Campers were challenged with the implications of forgiveness and what that means for their life. We were reminded that sin destroys lives as was the case between Cain and Able, but forgiveness heals lives as was the case for the paralyzed man in Luke 5. This weekend 42 individuals made an intentional decision to walk with closer with Christ, two of those made that decision for the first time in their life. Along with that, we gave away 26 Bibles to students who did not have access to the Word of God in their homes before this weekend. This past weekend is cause for great celebration!